08 Dec

First up: Ubuntu gzopen() fix

Hi all –

So my first offering is a plugin that I’ve been using for about a year now.  When we started using Ubuntu 14.04LTS (soon after it came out), my co-workers and I quickly found out that the excellent Updraft Plus backup plugin no longer worked properly, and was causing issues.

After digging through logs and searching around a bit, we discovered that the Canonical team had renamed the “gzopen()” function (which is very common!?) to “gzopen64()”.  Why? I really don’t know.  My best guess is that they were trying to differentiate between the 32-bit and 64-bit OS releases, and their development team didn’t stop to think about backwards compatibility for developers.

Anyway – this plugin simply creates a “gzopen” PHP function that works as a wrapper to a gzopen64() call.  Easy peasy!

This is now one of our default plugins, as it has no real impact on website load, but allows plugins like Updraft Plus to work properly.

You can download the plugin from this page.